Posted August 18, 2021 in Case Studies, Upper Airway Obstruction
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A pilot case study was performed to find people who had sleep-disordered breathing, chronic nasal obstruction, and a cosmetic deformity of their facial bones.
Phase 1
The patients were selected from a group of patients who had three findings:
1) Nasal obstruction starting in youth, which resulted in nasal blockage, poor airway breathing, open-mouth breathing, and chronic sinusitis with chronic facial pressure.
2) Open-bite deformity or retrognathic appearance due to chronic open-mouth breathing and sleep-disordered breathing.
3) Poor dentition and occlusion.
Once identified, the patients were scheduled for phased surgeries, the first being improving the nasal airway through:
1) Balloon sinuplasty
2) Nasal septoplasty
3) One combination of nasal septoplasty and rhinoplasty
Phase 2
Phase two, which occurred approximately one month later, involved LeForte I osteotomy, advancing the maxilla (midface), and bringing the mandible (jawbone) into alignment.
Lastly, orthodontia was performed, bringing the teeth into perfect alignment.
Once selected as the primary pilot study, all patients had:
1) Greater than 80 percent success in terms of removal of their sinusitis (or infections of the sinuses); this was determined pre- and post-operatively using CT scanning
2) Improvement of nasal breathing with subjective methodologies such as sleep-disordered breathing and snoring
3) Aesthetic appearance improvement
4) Occlusion of the teeth — perfection of their bites
Once these patients had undergone these procedures, excellent results were achieved:
1) Airway improvement was significantly noted.
2) Aesthetic improvement was noted.
3) All patients had minimal issues with pain post-operatively.
In conclusion, we are proud to announce that Sinus Center Los Angeles, in conjunction with Face Center Los Angeles and Jaw Center Los Angeles, have come together as the first unit in the world that has specialists in these three modalities in-house working with each patient to get the optimum result.
It appears that, due to the success of the primary pilot study, we will now go into a bigger study involving between 20 to 40 patients.
For any queries, contact us today!